
We learned about Geocaching in the winter of 2003, a few months
after we got our GPS. If you're not familiar with what Geocaching is,
essentially, it's a treasure hunt. People set up 'caches' or 'treasures', they
share the coordinates of these caches online, and other people, such as
ourselves, search for these caches. gives
a much better description of it in their
faq. They're also the place where
people post where their cache is and the outcome of a cache search.
Below are the cache's
we've gone to and either found or attempted to find. Click on the links to see
how we did, any pictures, notes or observations we may have taken and links to
other information related to the particular area we explored.
Geocaching Adventure #23
Sept. 5, 2005
San Jose, CA
Along the De
Anza Trail 10 - Camden Oak
Link to the geocaching website
A cache along
this historic 'trail'.
Although it is
tough to see where exactly the De Anza trail is, there are lots of plaques
and markers letting you know where it was. This is one of a series of caches
we plan to place along this route. You can find out more about the De Anza
Trail here.
This site has
been under construction for a long time and is finally completed. There is a
cool piece of art nearby that we thought about making this into a multi with
but in the end decided not to. You are looking for a camo paint pot that is
just hanging around. Gently pop the top off to retrieve the logsheet.
Geocaching Adventure #22
June 4, 2005
Emigrant Wilderness
Waterfall #1
link to the geocaching website
The waterfall is
well worth the hike when it's running. It is 50 feet high and 6 feet wide.
This waterfall is known mostly to locals.
After leaving a
main parking area it is 1.6 miles to a large bridge. Go across the bridge
and take the trail to the right. It is unmarked, but well-defined.
The total
journey to the falls area is 2.23 miles. The journey through the meadows
will remind you of the movie "A River Runs Through It"; the river apparently
has good trout fishing.
Geocaching Adventure #21
June 3, 2005
Fair Oaks, CA
Cross it when you come
to it
link to the geocaching website
A monument to a
structure that has been part of the community in one form or another, for
over 100 years.
This beloved
structure has stood the test of time. To this very day, it continues to
serve the community. On any given day, you'll find families out for a
stroll, folks trying to get in some exercise, people just sitting and
enjoying the day, and even a few people taking part in an 'alternative
To "find" this
cache, please email me with the answers to the following questions. As
always, please don't post your answers as part of your visit.
1: Why was this
structure originally built?
2: When was it
3: How much did
it cost to build??
4: What happened
here in 1907, 1915, and 1967??
5: This marker
was built as part of a project. What was the project??
Geocaching Adventure #20
May 22, 2005
Fork and Hwy 108 near Kennedy Meadows
Waterfall #2
N 38° 21.787 W 119° 52.259
link to the geocaching website
waterfall is a companion to
Waterfall #1.
The cache is
about 2x3x6 and is camo in color.
In the
spring this waterfall will astound you with the volume of water
cascading down.
There is a
large area near the bridge for viewing the water closeup, and you can
even walk under the bridge if you're daring enough.
Warning !
These falls and the
rocks above them can be dangerous.
The area under the
bridge is especially not recommended for small children !
Notice the
tree in the picture; it's about 20 feet long with a 3 foot diameter
trunk and is lodged in the middle of the waterflow. Shows you how much
water goes through there. |
Bridge to Nowhere II
N 38° 20.435 W 119°
link to the geocaching website
Small army
de-con container that is fairly well packed with stuff.
Seems there
are quite a few hard to get caches out this way. So, we placed another
easy drive by type. Bill and I finally settled on a SAFE and easy spot
to place the cache. Please, stay up on the road. No need to climb or
jungle jim the bridge. This old bridge still stands and the new one
passes right next to it. Close parking available. Check out the lower
landing area of the old bridge. You can see far into canyon and river.
I'll bet this looks spectacular during spring run off. I've just got to
come back to see. |
Geocaching Adventure #19
May 14, 2005
Mt. Provo and Lyon's
Mt. Provo 4-Wheelin'
N 38° 00.710 W 120°
link to the geocaching website
2-wheel drive vehicle can drive within 1/4 mile on reasonably good
gravel and dirt roads. Last 1/4 mile definitely 4WD, dirt bike or walk.
Hey, I can
see my house from up here! I decided our neighborhood needed a cache of
its own. Camo painted coffee can. We're fast food junkies so some of the
contents are toys from kids meals. Assorted other things. $1.00 Carl's
gift certificate and bicentennial Kennedy half dollar for FTF. The area
maps are deceiving. Due to several locked gates the only way to approach
this is from Tuolumne Rd. North @ Cedar Springs or Hill Haven in
Ponderosa Hills. |
Walk The Plank
N 38° 05.554 W 120°
link to the geocaching website
Located near
Lyons Dam in Tuolumne Co. Just 2 miles off HWY 108. Lyons Dam stores
drinking water for much of Tuolumne Co., so no swimming is permitted
here but fishing is allowed. This is a very beautiful area to
Hike/Bike/Fish with plenty of parking & Restroom facilities,Picnic
tables & a few BBQ's. If you come earlier in the year you can see & hear
the roar of the water as it tumbles over the Dam creating beautiful
rainbows. Go down below for a cool refreshing spray.
Cache is
larger than a micro but smaller than a regular & is pretty well
concealed. It initially contains a Log book, Geocoin, & a few other
small items for trade. Please bring a Pen/Pencil. Difficulty can vary
between 2-4 depending on your vestibular function. May not be suitable
for very small children, however most seem to enjoy this walk. It's
challenging, fun & you can walk for miles along this area. We come here
quite often & really look foward to doing this walk & enjoy the scenery
very much. There are also 2 other caches nearby to find. Enjoy this hunt
& bring a camera! |
Geocaching Adventure #18
April 10, 2005
Marin Headlands
Jimmy and I tried this one
last year but failed. We brought Lauree with us
this time and she was just the good luck charm that we needed to find it!
over the Gate
N 37° 49.604 W 122° 31.098
link to the geocaching website
This is a micro-cache in the Marin Headlands.
Plan on spending the day with the magnificent views of the bay, the gate,
the city and the wide blue Pacific. While you are here, there just happens
to be several caches along this stretch of road.
On my way back to the car after not finding a
plundered cache in the woods, I decided to place this log only cache right
near (vertical? horizontal?) the road. Remember to bring your own pen.
Geocaching Adventure #17
March 20th - 26th,
Washington D.C.
We managed to log 9
geocaches during our DC trip!! Actually, it was easy to bank geocaches
because they were all virtual since leaving a physical cache at the National
Mall or at Arlington National Cemetery isn't allowed.
(click on title of
cache for more information and photos)
Geocaching Adventure #16
February 14, 2005
Reno, NV
This couldn't have
been a more perfect way to spend Valentine's day in Reno.
Basque Sheepherder
N 39° 33.292 W 119° 49.906
link to the geocaching website
You always
wondered what that
giant green
sort of thing was, and now you have a reason to find out.
The history
of the Basque in Nevada is one of the states many exciting chapters.
This cache is a reason to learn more about it. For more check out the
Center for
Basque Studies and you can learn all about the
Basque Country here. The Cache is
pretty easy to find, but some general hunting will be required. BE sure
to read all the plaques along the way to get the full picture of the
region. Cache includes some Nevada casino trinkets, that are, simply,
must HAVES! Check it out for yourself :-) |
N 39° 33.369 W 119°
link to the geocaching website
Park on the
dirt turn out south of the dam on old 395. From there it's a short and
easy walk to the cache. I drive by here often and it makes me curious.
kills the cat, but I'm curious about.....
A dam that has no name and holds no water?
A pond that has no name and has no visitors except the ducks, and is
downstream from the dam?
A tiny stream that has no name and no source, yet it always flows?
A railroad spur, far from a mainline, that never has a train on it?
The cache is
a pint size clear plastic container.
Contents include log book, pen, pencils, and desirable trading goodies.
Because of the small size keep trading items around thumb size.
All in all it's just another brick in the wall. |
Taste Of Reno
N 39° 27.908 W 119° 48.310
link to the geocaching website
This is an
easy cache which not only gives you a great view of the city, but gives
you a "taste of reno."
This cache is
meant to be a type of "recipe exchange." Inside, you will find a variety
of delicious and time-tested recipes. If you want to exchange, please
bring a recipe either typed or neatly hand printed on a 3x5 notecard.
Please visit this cache as many times as you want to find new recipes.
Also, please don't just throw in any old recipe from a magazine.. let it
be one that you make personally and that you think others will enjoy!
Enjoy and
happy cooking (and caching!)
PS - Please
be on the lookout for broken glass. The park is obviously a popular spot
for "bottle flinging." |
A Wonderful Bird is the Pelican
N 39° 27.437 W 119°
link to the geocaching website
This is an
easy suburban cache. You can drive to within a few feet but you will
enjoy it more if you park on the pavement and walk to the cache. Notice
- You won't see many birds in the winter so come back in the spring,
summer, or fall.
A wonderful
bird is the pelican
His bill will hold more that his belican.
He can take in his beak food enough for a week,
But I'm damned if i can see how the helican
Lanire Merrith in his poem "The Pelican" (1910)
We moved to
Reno in 2002 and expected to find a desert. Instead we discovered a
wonderful outdoors playland. We love the close proximity to the
mountains and the river. One of our nicest discoveries was that the
wetlands near our home contain some amazing and surprising creatures.
One of our best discoveries was “Alexander Lake” which is on the North
East corner of the Double Diamond Ranch housing development. We were
pleased to find the abundance of water birds there including White
Pelicans, Great Egrets, and White-Faced Ibis.
This is not
a themed cache. We decided to use this cache for all the non-reptiles
that end up in our “Don’t Tread on Me” cache on Rattlesnake mountain.
Please take and leave whatever you want. There are some pictures and
articles about the pelicans for you to read. Enjoy the area. |
Geocaching Adventure #15
October 10, 2004
Las Vegas, NV
Rock Art
N 36° 11.100 W 115°
link to the geocaching website
Red Rock
canyon area
If you would
like to see some ancient art in Las Vegas this one's for you. I've heard
for a long time there's no culture in Vegas. Depends on what your
looking for. This is a piece of Ancient Indian Art in Nevada. Many caches
out here, but nobody stops to see this Pictogragh. Ancient Indian cave
paintings out in the open for every one to see. I enjoy it, and it's one
of my son's favorites. Please email me with the date and act which
protects this site. Please nothing in the logs. Thanx |
Brownstone Gate
N 36° 11.048 W 115°
link to the geocaching website
This area is
getting harder to get to. Twenty-five years ago you could drive to the
reservoir, now you have a hard time getting off SR-159 into the area. As
with the series along the southwest hills, development is encroaching on
the area. Either 4x4 or high clearance is needed through the washes to
get to the caches.
The Critter Cache is near here, so you can get two on this trip. Some
agave pits and Brownstone Reservoir are further up what used to be the
road and are well worth the walk. The hardest part of the walk is the
shifting gravel under foot.
This is a small cache made from an
Altoid tin. It is painted black.
Remember this a very small cache.
Take a pen or pencil with you in case the original one is broken. Leave
something small from your travels. |
Geocaching Adventure #14
July 24th and 25th,
Lighthouse Too
N 39° 20.914 W
123° 49.581
link to the geocaching website
My friend
sagefox posted a virtual cache at a lighthouse recently so I thought I
would post one “too”!
This virtual
cache site coordinate will place you at a great whale watching location
when they are migrating up or down the coast. I would also like to point
out that the building right behind you is one that my friend Stefan and
I worked on. We did the restoration of the lantern; the part that
encloses the Fresnel lens. We completely disassembled and reassembled
that cast iron brass and glass structure. If the building is open you
can see the photos.
To verify
that you were at this virtual cache site would you please e-mail me the
color of the roof. Don't post the answer here, even if encrypted.
Glass Beach 2
N 39° 27.018 W
123° 48.781
link to the geocaching website
This cache
is located at a popular beach on the North end of Fort Bragg.
Park in the
parking lot at N 39 27.120; W 123 48.572 and follow the trail for about
3/10 mile to the final coordinates. You will drop down approx. 15' to
sea level. This is a small cache in a round plastic container. It is in
a fairly public area so you will have to be discreet. |
Geocaching Adventure #13
July 12, 2004
New Melones
Boatman's Treasure
N 37° 57.844 W
120° 30.210
link to the geocaching website
If you don't
have feet like those of Christ, then you're gonna need a boat!
Used the Labor
Day Weekend to combine some of our favorite activities: Wakeboarding, water
skiing, hiking, camping, star gazing, and geocaching. My three year old
daughter made the hike from the shoreline to the cache site, so what are you
waiting for? Our second hide at the lake, again a gorgeous view. Literally
hundreds of deer trails on the island, some right next to the cache.
Geocaching Adventure
June 18, 2004
Palo Alto
Geocaching Adventure
June 14, 2004
San Juan
Micro Cache Primer
N 33° 29.909 W
117° 39.330
link to the geocaching website
Just a quick, easy
A simple micro-cache,
perfect for a first cache. The difficulty is 1 because you can't set it
lower. Also intended to truely be wheelchair accessible. May be the
simplest cache you ever do!
Altoids tin, painted
to blend into surroundings.
Feel free to trade
something if the lid will close; not much room in an Altoids tin.
here to view our pictures
Geocaching Adventure #10
June 12, 2004
UCI Arbo Cache
N 33° 39.808 W
117° 51.200
link to the geocaching website
Fairly easy
to get to, with adjacent metered parking. Paths are both paved and
gravel, with some parts somewhat hilly.
This is one
of those caches that brings you to a spot you may not have ever
discovered on your own, but you will want to return.
Started in
1964 as a nursery to supply the landscaping needs of the University as
it was being constructed, the Arboretum now maintains a collection of
rare and endangered plants from a variety of California habitats. Over
200 endangered species are maintained and actively propagated.
But be
forewarned, the Arboretum has some restrictive hours, making this a good
cache to visit on your lunch hour, or on a Saturday. It is opened from
9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Monday through Saturdays. It is closed on Sundays
and major holidays. On occasion, they have special events to raise funds
for their work, where you can purchase bulbs, poinsettias, and
There is
usually no admission fee, unless they are holding one of their
fundraising sales. On those days (about 4 per year), it may cost around
$2. Even so, the place is well worth admission. (There is also a
donation box, if you want to support their work).
respect the property! The Arboretum is visitor friendly, and the staff
are aware of the cache, so you do not have to worry about being caught.
But you should not have to do any bushwhacking to find the cache.
This is the
only officially approved cache in the Arboretum. You are looking for a
round Altoids Tangerine drops can, so the items inside are small.
Bring your
camera...or even your lunch for a picnic. This is an unexpected treat
just off of a major busy highway in the heart of the busy SNA airport
4/13/2004: We upgraded the container, to make it more watertight. It is
a larger "Snapware" 1.5 cup plastic container... clear right now, but we
will return to camo-paint it next week. Good luck!
here to view our pictures |
Duck, Duck,
N 33° 39.775 W
117° 50.770
link to the geocaching website
This is an
excellent family walk and prettiest in the morning or late afternoon.
Just about .35 mile from the parking lot.
This area is
open from dawn to dusk. No dogs or bicycles are allowed within the
sanctuary. The area is best reached by taking Riparian Way all the way
to the end and parking in the lot for the sanctuary.
This cache is
a film canister containing a log book. Please bring your own pen to log
in. You do not need to disturb the sensitive plant life to find the
cache, but it is covered. I'm still rating it a 1 even though it is a
here to view our pictures |
Adventure #9
June 10, 2004
Bakersfield and
Apple Valley
Bakersfield Station
N 35° 22.328 W
119° 00.490
link to the geocaching website
questions: What can you do to it? Who is in the silly quote under it?
I love taking
the train. My goal is to set caches in all of the stations I go to with
a stop long enough to set or find one.
You get extra points if you get to this cache on a train. If you are not
so lucky, then spend a moment watching the trains coming and going, and
plan your next trip.
here to view our pictures |
Jurassic Park
N 34° 32.548 W
117° 09.867
link to the geocaching website
The cache
location is very visible so be very discreet, and remember this is the
desert, so there are critters lurking nearby.
I moved to
the High Desert about twenty years ago when there were fewer homes. The
area where this cache is hidden was on a route that some friends and
myself used to take our dune buggies to a sand hill where the new
cemetery now lives. Our route took us past some dinosaur replicas made
out of cement. I always wondered what the story was behind these. When
you post your report please share any information you might have, as I
know there are Geocachers in the High Desert that have been residents
much longer than Red Lady or myself.
here to view our pictures |
Geocaching Adventure #8
May 21-22, 2004
Eric organized an
amazing "Yosemite
2004 Adventure" weekend and we gave ourselves an extra day for
geocaching. We attempted and found 3 geocaches on Friday and found 1 on
Saturday, during the 'big' hike.
Since most of the
caches we did have so much information on them, click on the title of the
cache below for more details and our pictures.
Geocaching Adventure #7
May 2, 2004
We did 2 geocaches
today and explored the area a lot more.
Lyon Crossing
N 38° 05.666 W
120° 10.107
link to the geocaching website
There are
Deer Crossings, Duck Crossings, and even School Crossings. Watch out for
the Lyon Crossing.
It's an ammo
can stashed in the woods. The walk is short but you can always keep
walking and see where the trail goes. I've ridden mountain bikes in the
area and the trails are difficult and not for beginners.
You can fish
near by, but NO SWIMMING. There is plenty of space to park. The drive in
can be a little bumpy but it's doable by most cars.
The gate which let's you drive to the area will be
closed Oct. 31st. There are other ways into the area but they require
longer walks. If there is no snow on the ground, you should be able to
get to the cache.
There are
other ways to get into the area, they just require more hiking, biking,
or 4WDing.
here to view our pictures |
N 38° 20.546 W
119° 55.523
link to the geocaching website
point, if ever there was such a thing.
Be prepared
for one of the most exotic views that the Sierra Nevadas can offer from
the relative comfort of 1/4 mile from you vehicle. Best time is sunset
to twilight and remember that the winds can get very COLD in the
evenings. Extra bonus if you can spot the remnants of an ancient glacier
that carved the walls of the canyon. Careful on the edge and not
recommended if you have fear of heights.
here to view our pictures
Geocaching Adventure #6
April 25, 2004
We did 5 caches
today and found 4! Yay!! Our find average is up!
FFs hard work
N 37° 58.097 W 120° 13.975
link to the geocache website
To honor those before us.
Went by this a number of times. This was the
first time I stopped to see what it was. I've used these before not in work
but play. This is a great tribute to them.
This a small cache with only a pencil and log sheet.
was our 2nd attempt at this one. We found it this time).
click here to view our
pictures |
Lava Dump
N 38° 00.944 W 120°
link to the geocache website
Located in
brush a bit off the end of a paved/closed road. I think the location is
at the tail-end of the Lava flow that I placed LAVA MAMA upon...but not
You're here
for the at sunset or by the light of a full moon. The
distant city lights of the Central Valley twinkle like diamonds (at
night). This location is not too exciting during the day, as it is
located at an old dump. If you want to know where to park to access this
one, read the clue.
click here to view our pictures |
Geocaching Adventure
April 17, 2004
N 38° 11.604 W 119° 59.604
link to the geocache website
This location is near a beautiful lake with a
gorgeous background of granite rock carved by glaciers.
Please email us the answers to the questions
before posting your find. You may post your find after we e-mail you back
confirming your correct answers. Do not post your answers on the cache page.
Thank you and enjoy the area!!
#1 What object is at this location?
#2 What do you see if you are facing east?
#3 N 38 11.480 / W 119 59.592
large object is near this location?
Click here to view our pictures |
Geocaching Adventure
April 10, 2004
Los Gatos and
Campbell Area
OakHill PlayLot
N 37° 14.790 W
121° 57.494
link to the geocache website
A very nice little park in a quiet
neighborhood with the play lot stuff, nice grass area and dog bags – my
human loves those.
It is a mess kit with a frog, 2 butterflys, 2
marbles, a super ball and a bull.
No pen inside - bring your own pen.
Please cover it up again like you find it
(hopefully covered up)
It is near a gas station - I was in the car
when my human was getting gas and I saw the grass. Woof Woof - can we go,
Click here to view our log |
Black Gold?
N 37° 14.710 W 121° 57.560
link to the geocache website
This object is something you wouldn’t normally
see in Los Gatos. You do have to open the gate to reach this cache. I was
thinking I would make this a virtual cache but I don't like virtual caches.
I wasn’t too sure about this spot for a cache but I wanted geocachers to see
this object. This is a sign only cache and bring your own writing utensil. I
found some more info on this object but don't look at this link until you
find the cache. The info will spoil the surprise!
Click here to view our log |
Mum's the Word
N 37° 14.739 W
121° 57.231
link to the geocache website
4/16/03 This
used to be a multicache but I have changed it to a traditional cache and
lowered the difficulty and terrain ratings. I have also changed the
coordinates to reflect the final location, using numbers that Marky gave me.
This cache is
being placed in honor of my son Andy, who turned 5 on Tuesday, March 18.
The cache is an ammo box in a pleasant spot.
Click here to view
our log |
Secret Walkway #3 -
Over 85
N 37° 15.180 W 121°
link to the geocache website
The posted coordinates
are not the actual coordinates of the cache, but the cache is within 528
feet of the posted coords.
This walkway isn't too big of a secret,
although I bet most people haven't been on it before. This is a bit
different from the others in this series, because this one has a puzzle to
solve before finding the cache.
I was contemplating some new caches that
required a lengthy hike to get to and came up with the following:
GPS + (K * CACHE) =
There are multiple solutions (thanks to Jif and
Kablooey for pointing this out to me). To help you narrow down the possible
solutions, use only solutions that have K < C
The cache can be found at:
N 37 15.ISC W 121 56.SGS
The cache is a small M&M plastic container. It
contains a cache pen, a log sheet/stash note and a few VERY small trade
items. Think SMALLER than a marble.
Click here to view our log |
Campbell Park Troll
N 37° 17.160 W 121°
link to the geocache website
A cache is back in this park. Great Park. Has
dog poop bags and seems to be easy on dogs off leash. Cache is about 5 x 5 x
1.5 camo box. Cache location is not wheelchair accessible.
A troll lives in the area and has his stash of
Army men, Tabasco Sauce, play dough and the Woody Snail TB hidden here. What
other things does a troll keep?
It is in a fairly difficult spot to find (I
think) so that others will not find it and trash it again. You will be able
to find it without people seeing you if you are careful. The lid needs to be
put back on with a bit of wiggling to get it to stay.
Click here to view our
pictures |
Geocaching Adventure #3
April 3, 2004
Marin Headlands
-5:51am -
sunrise over Mt. Diablo and San Francisco.
Exploring Battery Spencer
The Big View
N 37° 49.652 W 122° 29.932
link to the geocache website
This location can be reached by car, mountain
bike, or your own legs. So the difficulty ranges from 1 to 5 depending which
you choose.
This is a 35mm film canister with a magnet on
the side.
Please bring your own pencil to sign. And most of all: BRING A CAMERA....
Click here to view our pictures
Marin Headlands Two
N 37° 49.714 W 122° 29.925
link to the geocache website
Like Marin Headlands One this is a terrific
view... but even better.
You will drive most of the way but will get to
take a short hike up a steep path. Look for the path to the south side of
the hill top. Once on top, you must find a 8" steel pipe extending 6" out of
the ground. The end has been sealed with concrete. In it, one word and a
date are inscribed. To log the cache,
email me the word and year in the concrete.
Click here to view our pictures |
Guns over the Gate
N 37° 49.604 W 122°
link to the geocache website
This is a micro-cache in the Marin Headlands.
Plan on spending the day with the magnificent views of the bay, the gate,
the city and the wide blue Pacific. While you are here, there just happens
to be several caches along this stretch of road.
On my way back to the car after not finding a
plundered cache in the woods, I decided to place this log only cache right
near (vertical? horizontal?) the road. Remember to bring your own pen.
Click here to view our pictures |
Our 2nd Geocaching Adventure
March 14, 2004
Lava Mama
N 38° 07.775 W 120° 05.805
link to the geocache website
My mom told me about the view from this area,
so I just had to place a cache here. I placed it on Mothers Day after taking
her to breakfast, thus the "Mama" reference. You'll figure out the "Lava"
reference when you look around at this location. Hope you enjoy the view.
Click here for our pictures |
Our first Geocache attempt
March 1, 2003
FFs hard work
N 37° 58.097 W 120° 13.975
link to the geocache website
To honor those before us.
Went by this a number of times. This was the
first time I stopped to see what it was. I've used these before not in work
but play. This is a great tribute to them.
This a small cache with only a pencil and log sheet.
here for our pictures |