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May 21, 2004
This was such an amazing weekend!
We arrived in Yosemite Thursday night with our friend, Linda. We were all
staying at the Curry Village. Friday morning, Jimmy, Linda and I had
breakfast with Eric, Lauree, Jim, Bambi, Dave, Nancy, Terry, Amy at the
Curry Dining Pavilion. Around noon, everyone split up to do their own
adventures. Eric stayed in the village to wait for everyone to come in. Dave
Retz went out exploring on his own. Terry and Amy went up to Glacier Point.
Lauree, Jim, Bambi, Dave, Linda, Jimmy and I all headed to the Happy Isle
trailhead. For our first geocache today, all 7 of us helped to find it: A
Happy Place. We introduced Bambi and Dave to geocaching. Lauree, Jim and
Linda have heard about our previous adventures so they were curious about
what it entails.
Since Yosemite is a National
Park, there are no physical caches allowed in the park, so all of the
geocaches we did this weekend are called virtual geocaches, which means you
need to find the answers to something rather than a container.
The text in the smaller font is
information from the geocache owner.
A Happy Place
N 37°
43.959 W 119° 33.503
link to the geocaching website
This is a
beautiful geocache location with a fun challenge.
I like things
that are happy. This is a happy place despite some recent local
The structure
you are standing on is still in good shape despite a nearby massive
rockfall and windblast in the Happy Isles area that damaged the nearby
Happy Isles Gauging Station Bridge in July 1996. Then a major flood in
January 1997 caused extensive damage to human-made structures along the
main stem of the Merced River, including that same Happy Isles Gauging
Station Bridge. That bridge was removed for safety reasons and the
Gauging Station will be relocated in the future.
Huge rocks
were embedded in the trunks of hundreds-year-old trees, as if the trees
were mere clay. Giant trunk carcasses were strewn about as if they were
But this
structure you are standing on survived it all unscathed.
Enjoy the view
and enjoy the cache hunt.
1. Who loved Joey in July of 2003.
2. During the flood of 1997, on what date was the high water marked.
3. How high up your body was the water on that date. (You can give an
approximate measurement or tell me which part of your body would have
been above the water.
After you
email me your answers, go ahead and log your find. Please do not enter
the answers in the logs.
Please remove
any trash you find in the area.
Linda, Jimmy and I started hiking to the
Happy Isle trailhead from Curry Village and coincidentally ran into
Lauree, Jim, Bambi and Dave when we arrived. When we met up with them,
we also saw a coyote! He was completely un-phased by us and just
strolled along as if our presence was normal. Since they were with us,
they all decided to stay and help us find our first geocache of the day.
We also ran into 2 other cachers looking for this

Coyote |

On the bridge,
approximately where the coordinates point |

View from the bridge |

Jimmy, Jim and Linda |

looking for the answers |

Answer to question #1 |

Answer to question #2 |

Answer to question #3 |

Linda and Jimmy check out
the rocks embedded into the trees.
(above them on the bridge
are other geocachers looking for the same cache.) |
Our Log:
May 21
jretz (16 found)
Walked in from Curry Village, enjoying the cool weather. We had a
team of 7 of us for this cache, 5 who had never geocached before! We
enjoyed having them with us and perhaps turned them into cachers as
While we were standing on this structure, we ran into 2 other
cachers: geo_hiker. This was the first time we've ran into other
geocachers so it was fun chatting with them a bit.
Thanks! |
Split Rock: An Investigation
N 37°
43.854 W 119° 33.509
link to the geocaching website
This is a
marvelous opportunity to see a large boulder close up just after it
has had a major slab split from it.
rocks weather by peeling off in sheets rather than eroding grain by
grain. Exfoliation is scientific Latin for that process. It can
happen in paper-thin layers on individual boulders, or it can take
place in thick slabs as it does here, in Yosemite Valley,
"The great
white granite domes and cliffs of the High Sierra, like Half Dome,
owe their appearance to this type of exfoliation. These rocks were
emplaced as molten bodies, or plutons, deep underground, raising the
Sierra Nevada range. Erosion then unroofed the plutonic rocks and
took away the pressure of the overlying rock. As a result, the solid
rock acquired fine cracks through pressure-release jointing. The
combined work of gravity, weathering, plant roots, and the expansion
of freezing water opened up the joints further and loosened these
slabs." Half Dome also had to deal with glaciation.
But what
happened here? It appears that this slab split from its boulder was
accelerated by the sheer impact of this huge boulder with the
ground. This slab may have separated upon impact, or it may have
separated years later, having been weakened by the initial impact.
It's not
often that many of us get to see a rock in this position so close to
its initial split. It's amazing to me that more hikers on the nearby
trail don't stop in wonder and explore this amazing exhibit of
How did
this rock split? Do you know the answer? Do you have more
information to add to this analysis? Let me know and I will update
this geocache web page.
CREDIT FOR THIS CACHE, email to me answers to the following
1. Standing at the coordinates and facing the split rock boulder, is
the smaller portion of the split to your left or your right?
2. Standing in that same position, there is a posted sign to your
left. What does the sign say?
Please do
not log the answers but send them to me via email and go ahead and
log your cache. As always, you can email cache owners through the
owner's profile above.
Lauree, Jim, Bambi and Dave left us to
hike Mirror Lake so Linda, Jimmy and I headed along the Merced River
towards the John Muir Trail for this next cache. We spent some time
looking at the gauging station and the high water level during the
flood on January 2, 1997.

Answer to question #1 |

Answer to question #2 |

The Merced River |

At the Gauging
station |

High water level
during the flood. |
Our Log:
21 by
jretz (16 found)
Second of 3 caches today. Last time we were on this trail was 9
years ago. We hadn't noticed this boulder before. It was fun
doing some caching while we were here. Thanks! |
Yosemite Valley High Water – The 100 Year Flood
N 37°
44.790 W 119° 35.775
link to the geocaching website
Not too
long ago, Yosemite Valley experienced a remarkable wintertime flood
resulting from unseasonable warm rains on top of a substantial early
snow pack. This easy 2-mile loop introduces visitors to the heart of
the valley and seven waypoints that reflect some of Yosemite’s most
scenic wonders.
The 100
Year Flood was a once in a lifetime experience. Team Gecko happened
to be visiting immediately prior to the flood during their nearly
annual winter visit in the valley. The tropical rains began a day or
so before our departure. The flood resulted from 10 inches of rain
over a 6-day period that melted a substantial portion of the snow
pack up to the 11,000 foot elevation level. Some of the resulting
damage and changes to the valley and Merced River canyon were
extraordinary – at least in human terms. Of course, Yosemite Valley
has witnessed many and more dramatic natural events over the
millions of years of its formation and sculpting.
complete this virtual cache, you will walk or bike or ski or
snowshoe around a well-marked path in the heart of the valley.
Parking is available very close to the posted coordinates for
Waypoint 1. You may also ride one of the free Yosemite shuttle buses
from any of the regular pickup points to this starting location. At
each waypoint, you will find clues that allow you to determine
coordinates for the next waypoint. To confirm successful completion
of the course, please email your responses to the questions asked
about each stop.
note: GPS reception in the valley can be variable at times,
especially in forested areas and on the south side. Many of these
reference coordinates are rounded to nearest .005. The respective
waypoints should be reasonably obvious once you are this close to
their true positions.
Waypoint 1: N37° 44.790, W119° 35.775
Only a few yards from parking, this sign features a historic photo
taken about 1890 of the Yosemite Village site when it was home to
the largest Miwok village in the valley. What was the name of the
village? Hint: It starts with the letter K. Also on the sign, the
date the U.S. Army took over this location is noted as 19a6. Please
use the number represented by the letter a to compute the next
Waypoint 2: N37° 44.45a, W119° 36.a00
This site introduces you to a metal sign on a wooden post of a type
that will become familiar to you over the course of your tour. It
shows the maximum height of the flood at selected locations. It also
shows the corresponding time and date as 11:00 p.m. b/c/9d. As
before, you will use the numbers represented by b, c, and d to
provide you the information needed to compute later coordinates. At
a bearing of 240 degrees magnetic, what is the two-word name given
the closest building? Hint: the second word is Center.
Waypoint 3: N37° 44.c10, W119° 36.000
You can follow a bike trail or a riverside path to this location.
Here you will be suspended over the famous Merced River, the main
watercourse through Yosemite. The damage it caused to valley
campgrounds, Yosemite Village, Yosemite Lodge, and the several
communities downstream from the park are documented in a popular
booklet titled Yosemite: The 100 Year Flood, Movement in Tides. It
is available for purchase for $6.00 in the Yosemite Park Visitor
Center and the lodge gift shop. At the Waypoint 3 coordinates, you
should see a gray sign that warns against certain behavior. What two
activities does it indicate are prohibited? Extra credit: What is
the name of this bridge?
Waypoint 4: N37° 44.485, W119° 35.e10 where e = d - c
This is also a flood level sign. It is immediately adjacent to a
wooden sign that shows days and times. What regularly scheduled
events does the wooden sign announce? How many 1-inch wooden pegs
were used to construct it? Hint: all pegs have two ends but not all
of these pegs show both ends.
Waypoint 5: N37° 44.495, W119° 35.e20 where e is the same as for
Waypoint 4
These coordinates lead you to another informative sign a very short
stroll away. It reports on restoration activities not directly
associated with this flood. What was previously located here and was
moved? The dates of the moves are recorded on this sign as
Waypoint 6: N37° 44.gf2, W119° 35.402
You are now viewing another flood marker sign and should be viewing
one of Yosemite’s most famous natural features in front of you. A
short distance in the opposite direction – to the southwest – is an
interpretative sign about the nearby stone bridge. What is the name
of this bridge? How many times does it say the bridge has been
Waypoint 7: N37° 44.d52, W119° 35.d43
By now, you should be very familiar with the date and time of the
highest water. The number represented by d was originally revealed
back at Waypoint 2. You will see it again at Waypoint 7, which
should be a short distance from where you started. In fact, from
here, you could easily catch a ride. What is the single digit number
on the adjacent transportation sign?
completes the tour of Team Gecko’s High Water virtual cache. We hope
you enjoyed navigating the course. Have a pleasant and enriching
time during your visit to Yosemite National Park.
This was the most complex geocache
we've done so far. Having all of the different way points, and
having to solve the puzzle to get certain waypoint numbers was a lot
of fun!
We luckily got off the correct bus
stop and headed towards the first coordinates. We easily found the
answers, and while we were there headed up to lower Yosemite Falls.
After that, we headed to waypoint 2-7. The trail that this cache led
us on was great because there were tons of amazing views along the
way. Plus we were shocked at how high the water level was on January
2, 1997. During breakfast that morning, Nancy was telling us about
stories that employees at the Awahnee told her. How there was so
much water coming off the granite cliffs that it looked like reverse
bathbub flowing into the valley. Everywhere you looked, the granite
walls were pouring water, everywhere was a waterfall.

Answer to Waypoint #1 |

Yosemite Falls |

At Waypoint #2 |

Answer to Waypoint #2 |

Answer to Waypoint #3
On Swinging Bridge |

View of Yosemite
Falls from Swinging Bridge |

At Waypoint #4 |

Answer to Waypoint
#4, part 1 |

Answer to Waypoint
#4, part 2:
Linda and Jimmy count
out the pegs |

Answer to Waypoint #5 |

Answer to Waypoint #6 |
No picture of the
Answer to Waypoint #7
because we started
off there: Bus Stop #6! |
Our Log:
21 by
jretz (16 found)
Wonderful cache!! It was a great walk to see parts of the valley
that we wouldn't have explored if it weren't for this very
interpretive hike. The views along this hike were spectacular.
I'd recommend this to anyone who wants to explore the valley
floor, see a lot of amazing sites and learn more about the
flood. |
May 22, 2004
Today was the day of the "Big" hike. About 50 of our group
were going on the trail to Half Dome. Many would go all the way to the top,
some would go at their own pace and go up as far as they wanted. Most of us
left Curry Village at 5:30 in the morning and walked to Happy Isles. Around
6:15, Jimmy and I headed up Mist Trail with Linda, Vanessah and Stan. We all
climbed it at our own pace. It wasn't drenchingly wet, but definitely wet
enough to warrant a poncho, at least in mine and Jimmy's opinion. Yesterday,
we knew that this cache was up here, but since it was so early and we were
concentrating on the hike, we forgot about it till we got home. Luckily we
knew the answers so we could log our find.
Trail Cache
N 37°
43.636 W 119° 32.599
link to the geocaching website
virtual cache is located at the top of the Vernal Falls Mist trail.
Finding the virtual cache is relatively easy, getting there is a
little harder, and very wet!
Take a
nice hike up the Vernal Falls Mist trail to find this virtual cache
and a nice view from the top of the Vernal Fall. The trailhead we
started at was about 1 mile south east Curry Village, but there are
numerous other ways to get to this cache.
To log
this cache, please identify the two bodies of water you are
prohibited from swimming in. Have fun, and watch your footing when
the water is running! Don't worry about emailing me to confirm the
bodies of water, I trust that geocachers are honorable people.
However, feel free to email me with pictures or comments about the
hike. Enjoy!

At Vernal Falls
Bridge |

Climbing Up Mist
Trail |

Looking down Vernal
Falls |

Silver Apron |

Nevada Falls |
Our Log:
22 by
jretz (16 found)
A group of about 50 of us started this hike at 5:30 am. Many
headed up to half dome, some just went at their own pace and
enjoyed the views. About 1/2 went up the mist trail, the others
went up John Muir. We enjoyed finding a cache along the way.
The two of us used our ponchos as we climbed up Mist Trail, and
it was quite wet, but not drenching. Very cold at 6 am, though!!
If you're interested, you can visit our website for our groups
Adventures. No caching information is on this page:
http://www.retzlaff.com/yosemite_2004_adventure.htm |