Gatos and Campbell
April 10, 2004
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We're addicted to geocaching. The
search is a lot of fun, plus we get to explore new areas that we normally
wouldn't just be driving around in. Today we did a few caches close to home. We
did five caches after lunch, and finished our sixth after dinner, just after
dusk. I only had my camera handy for the last one.
Secret Walkway #2 - Gato de Callejón
This one was just off
Lark Ave. We've driven by the walkway a dozen times but never noticed it.
It's in a nice quiet neighborhood in Los Gatos, just off Highway 17. Since
this was the first time we've done one in such an urban neighborhood, we
were concerned that the neighbors would wonder what the heck we were doing
there, but that didn't deter us. It's not like we were the 1st ones to be
trampling around their neighborhood looking for some sort of treasure. The
cache was hidden in a little cubby hole. It was a micro-cache, which was
just a sign-in log. Our 1st cache of the day, and happily, a successful one. |
Our log:
April 10 by
jretz (5 found)
Great to start the first of six caches for the day with a successful find.
Cute hide. SL |
Oakhills Playlot
I don't think I enjoyed
this one very much. First off, it was rated with a difficulty of 1 star, so
I assumed it would be easy. I don't want to have to crawl under a bunch of
bushes and rummage though leaves that might have been pee'd on by dogs for a
1 star. The park was decent, but there wasn't much of a view of anything so
there wasn't anything spectacular about it. Plus, we weren't very concealed
if anyone came to the park. Luckily, the park was empty, so we still ended
up spending about a 1/2 hour looking, unsuccessfully. I doubt we'll be back. |
Our log:
April 10 by
jretz (5 found)
Our gps was directing us every which way. Too bad because we had the park to
ourselves. We looked for about 30 minutes to no avail. |
Black Gold?
Our 3rd attempt, 2nd
failure. When we got to the coordinates, we were behind an American Tire
shop and in somewhat of a industrial/business park. There was someone
working in the parking lot so we didn't even get the chance to search very
hard. After we got home, we looked on the website, cheated and saw what we
were suppose to be looking for. Now I'm really curious to see it and find
the cache even though it's a micro. |
Our log:
April 10 by
jretz (5 found)
There were too many people in the parking lot for us to be inconspicuous so
we decided to leave. Hopefully we'll get back to this one later. |
Mum's the Word
This park was a lot nicer than
Oakhills - bigger, more trees, and the cache was hidden in a more secluded
spot. However, there were a few people sunbathing not far from the area, so
we had to be a little stealth about our wandering around. I did pick up a
stick and tired poking around, but didn't succeed. After we got home and
read more on the website, I just didn't poke around in the right place. The
cache owners have pictures on the website, and that gave us a better idea
where it's actually located. I never even ventured to that part since I
thought the geo-muggles would see me from there. I think we'll be back to
try this one again later. I wasn't nearly as frustrated with this
unsuccessful find as the Oakhills Playlot. |
Our log:
April 10 by
jretz (4 found)
We'll have to try this one again when there are less people. Nice park...1st
time we've been there - won't be our last! |
Secret Walkway #3 - Over 85
This cache is tricky. It's
difficulty level is 3 and required a lot more planning than we had done. The
original coordinates lead us to a bridge walkway over Highway 85. The actual
cache is within 528 feet of the given coordinates, and to find the cache,
you have to figure out the formula to this equation:
GPS + (K * CACHE) =
cache is at these coordinates: N 37 15.ISC
W 121 56.SGS, so it's a matter of finding out what I, S, C, and G
equals. Jimmy's thinking about doing a program that will automatically
figure this one out, if he does, then we'll attempt this one again.
another sign that really geeky people, especially in the silicon valley, do
However, our trek across the bridge was fascinating. Neither of us had ever
walked across one before, and I'm sure we looked pretty crazy to non-geocachers
slowly walking across a pedestrian bridge over the 85 freeway holding an
iPod and GPS trying to find the coordinates to some random location. We
tried looking for clues while we were up there (freeway signs that might
hold a clue), but couldn't figure out what Mountain View 85 and Santa Cruz
17 would do with anything.
Well, even if we don't try to find this one again, it was clever and a fun
attempt. |
Our log:
April 10 by
jretz (4 found)
We'll try this one again after a little more planning. This was the first
time we've ever walked over a walkway of this type though. |
Campbell Park
Yay!!! It was nice to
end the day with a find, especially since we struck out the previous 4
times. After Secret Walkway 3, we went home for a bit but after a day of
geocaching, our stomachs started grumbling earlier than normal, so we headed
to El Burro in the Pruneyard in Campbell. After dinner, it was still a
little light out, and we had our GPS, iPod and a flashlight, so we
decided to do one last geocache for the day. Since the title said troll,
we knew a bridge would be involved, so when we got to the park, we
immediately headed to the bridge that leads to the Los Gatos Creek Trail.
Trying to be discreet in a park full of families was hard. It especially
looks suspicious when a couple wanders into the brush underneath a bridge!
It was dark under there, so we had to use our mini flashlight to do any
searching. Jimmy found the booty quickly though, within 2-3 minutes after we
got under there. It was pretty funny whenever we would hear someone
walking/running/biking over the bridge. We'd freeze, turn off the light and
not say a word. Once, a dog and its owner walked over us and we thought for
sure the dog would smell us but he's not worthy of the title of dog, he
never sniffed us out.
The container was small, but not really micro. It held a few small items,
and within it a small troll with orange hair. We left the a wooden parrot
and took the marble, put the cache back in its safe hiding place, and waited
till we couldn't hear anyone walking/running/biking over the bridge before
we made our exit. As we left, we straightened our clothes and put away the
little baggy of booty! Dear god, if coming out from under a bridge doesn't
look suspicious, I don't know what does. As we left, a man doing stretches
definitely saw us and was giving us the eye. We just kept on walking.
☺ |
Our log:
April 10 by
jretz (4 found)
Great spot for a troll to hang out! It was just getting dark so we had to be
careful not to attract attention with our flashlight. A fun cache, also a
favorite park.
Took marble, left parrot, SL.

The Campbell Park Troll |
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